Sophie Fagan Holistic Massage | Utrecht

68 reviews
Het Holos Huis , Nachtegaalstraat 31 - Part of Sophie Fagan Holistic Massage
Open Today: 17:45 - 22:00

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Suuuuuuper fijn! As always :) Sophie weet precies wat je lijf nodig heeft en kan er feilloos op inspelen
the massage was relaxing and good
This treatment we were focusing on breathing and my painful shoulder. Sophie has so much knowledge and she can translate into focuspoints for home. Thank you again!
Sophie is great! She makes you feel instantly safe and comfortable. Her technique is a perfect blend of effective and relaxing 🍀
Always a great relaxation! Definitely recommended!
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Meet the team


Sophie Fagan Holistic Massage Therapist Take the weight off your body and mind I am passionate about holistic massage, especially as a means of combating stress. I understand how damaging the effects of stress can be on the body and mind from both personal and professional experience. This has given my massage work a deeper meaning when it comes to working with clients. Creating a safe space for healing to take place, it is clear that recovery and empowerment can come from challenging life experiences. In recent years I have focussed my massage work extensively with clients on the Burn-out journey and experiencing chronic conditions with physical and mental challenges such as Long Covid. It’s an honour to help all my clients let their barriers down, achieve greater connection with their bodies and establish better peace of mind. Our massage session together I see holistic massage as a partnership. During each session we will work together to create the best treatment for you so you get the most out of your time with me. Skills and Training I am Bristol (UK) born and bred now living and thriving in The Netherlands. This move came from a gut feeling, one I am deeply grateful for. I’m a graduate of the Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork (BCMB), qualified with a Diploma in Holistic Massage in 2010. I am a fully insured massage practitioner. I am also a Tai Chi and Chi Kung instructor running Amsterdam Chen Tai Chi and Chi Gong where I offer workshops to groups, businesses and on a 1-1 basis. The principles and wisdom behind these ancient forms of Chinese exercise inform my massage practice and enable me to fully connect with each client through my body use and focus of energy.



What our customers say about Sophie



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Close to bus stop
Close to train station


Sophie Fagan Holistic Massage | Utrecht
Het Holos Huis
Nachtegaalstraat 31

Sophie Fagan Holistic Massage is situated within Holos Huis on the Nachtegaalstraat. This is a beautiful inspiring space which offers massage trainings and much more all year round.

Sophie offers a truly holistic approach to massage. By creating a safe space, taking the time to hear and honour whatever her clients bring the healing already begins to flow before the massage has begun. Sophie sees holistic massage as a partnership, something that is created together between her and her clients, leaving them feeling empowered and nourished after very session.

Using a variety of massage techniques combined with her own intuition every massage is tailored to the client's needs in the moment.

Training and Experience

Sophie qualified as a Holistic Massage Therapist in 2010 and has been a teacher both in the UK and the Netherlands since 2013.


Sophie has a wealth of experience working with people with chronic conditions such as those with ongoing stress, long covid or on the burn-out recovery journey. She endeavours to empower and soothe clients facing the challenges that arise both physically and emotionally.

Nearest public transport:
The salon is close to bus stop Stadsschouwburg

What we like about the venue:

  • Atmosphere: Relax and calming atmosphere.
  • Specialised in: Massages.
  • The extra touches: By combining a variety of techniques such as deep tissue, joint mobilisations, energy work and more Sophie is able to give a truly holistic approach.

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